Almost one third of the population of the USA currently has, or have had in the past, hemorrhoids. This common issue is caused by poor diet, constipation, a sedentary lifestyle, and other health issues. Hemorrhoids usually develop from damaged blood vessels and membranes in the anal canal or rectum, and can be extremely painful or itchy. While they usually go away on their own if given time to heal, they can be very bothersome while healing. Using a hemorrhoid home remedy can help a person suffering with hemorrhoids feel more comfortable, and can help them heal faster.
Pregnancy can often bring on hemorrhoids pain, unfortunately if you are suffering during your pregnancy, it will only get worse during labor. The best, natural way to deal with hemorrhoids pain during and immediately after pregnancy is a sitz bath. Fill your bathtub with a few inches of water as hot as you can stand it, you can use a soothing herb like chamomile in it, and then sit in the tub until the hemorrhoids pain has lessened or gone away. Doing this at times the pain is not too bad will help prevent a really painful episode.
A cold compress in some situations will also help treat the discomfort that hemorrhoids causes. Cold compression therapy generally requires applying a cold pad or ice pack to the inflicted area for twenty minutes every two hours. Cold compression has been shown to reduce the swelling caused by hemorrhoids and will help speed up the recovery process.
Witch hazel is a soothing form of astringent that eases the pain of pile bruising, another name for bruising of the hemorrhoids. When using Witch hazel hemorrhoids will be relieved of the painful swelling involved and once again the afflicted individual will be able to sit down with less discomfort and overall pain.
Increasing your daily fiber intake is another solution and treatment of hemorrhoid. The average american only digests ten grams of fiber a day in their diet. By increasing your fiber intake by fifteen to fourty grams you will regulate your digestive system and prevent hemorrhoids from forming. The many ways you can increase your intake is by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and grains and cereals. Make sure you increase your fluid intake as well.
The last option for relief of the pain and discomfort that hemorrhoids causes is purchasing an over the counter hemorrhoid treatment called Calmovil. Calmovil has been shown to shrink hemorrhoids by dissolving blood clots and strengthening weakened veins, while also relieving itching, and calming the digestive system. Calmovil is an all natural pill which is easy to take. Calmovil is quite effective in both relieving hemorrhoid discomfort as well as improving the hemorrhoid recovery process speed.
Find out more about hemorrhoid itching ? Details How Hemorrhoids are Diagnosed. Visit our website where you can learn all about Help in Curing Hemorrhoids!.
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