Update: Game Informer's Extra Life team has successfully completed a 24-hour video game marathon for charity.?After quickly hitting our initial goal of $8,888, we set our sights on $11,111, of which we raised $10,569. We're ecstatic that this money will be going towards Minnesota's Gillette's Children's Specialty Health Care and other hospitals in the Children's Miracle Network. Thank you for watching our livestream, playing along, and supporting us with donations. It's not too late to donate now and help us hit our goal, even after the marathon has ended.
Game Informer is no stranger to gaming marathons. We?ve set gaming marathon world records, for crying out loud. But this time we?re putting our raw talent to a good cause. The Game Informer community has teamed up with Extra Life to raise money for charity with a 24-hour gaming marathon.
On October 20, starting at 8:00 am central time, we?ll begin live-streaming video feed of the games we?re playing and us playing them. Some of us will be playing new, awesome releases like Resident Evil 6 or Dishonored. Others will be playing old favorites or leaving it up to our viewership to help decide.?
We also hope to incorporate some fun interactivity with anyone watching the marathon. Some ideas include rewarding big donators with the power to choose what game we play (anything but Overblood, please). Will you be kind, allowing us to play fantastic games current or past, or will you be cruel and subject us to broken, horrid video games? Our fate could be in your hands. Editor Ben Reeves, intern Jack Gardner, video editor Jason Oestreicher, and myself may also be competing in tournaments and speed runs against one another. We just plan on having a good time playing some awesome games. Other Game Informer staff may be joining our Extra Life team leading up to the marathon.
Speaking of teaming up, you can join team Game Informer Online and help us raise money for a cause. We?d love for you to join us on our 24-hour marathon in spirit, and you also have the chance to win some prizes by signing up, getting others to sign up, and donating money. Check out Noobtubin8r?s blog post for more information or head over to the team forums and look at the prize thread.
Check out the video below to get an idea for what your time and contributions will be supporting:
Minnesota?s Gillette Children?s Hospital is one such hospital, which the Game Informer staff participating in the Extra Life marathon will be sponsoring. Gillette and Game Informer will be working closely together leading up to the marathon in order to raise awareness and come up with some cool free stuff to give away to viewers.
So far Team GIO has raised $2,434 out of the $4.444 goal. Hopefully, with your support, we will reach that goal. When we do, we?ll raise it even further to net as much cash as we can for these hospitals.
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