SavetheRepublic ?
The Marxist tyrants that make up the Obama administration are hell bent on conditioning us Americans to submit to the most overbearing control of our lives.
To Hell with all these unelected agencies forcing their illegitimate authority into our lives. And to Hell with this current gutless Republican House that collectively couldn't find enough vertebrae between them all to make a single spine.
Hey Republicans ! How long are you all going to let these Democrats defecate on our liberty ? Is there one F-ing American in the whole lot of you ?
This thing is so outrageous. I am feeling this lady's indignity as my own, and in fact it is! It is all of ours.
Tokyomatt ?
TSA has no shame. Molesting the elderly and the young!
ktr ?
Of course TSA is out of contriol, but there is more to this story than the headline. The agents asked her daughter to take off the diaper because it was soiled and the daughter took it off because she did not have another one. What kind of person puts her dying 95 year old mother on a plane by herself? And has no change for her? I know several pilots and hear stories every day of TSA stupidity (including a pilot who is allowed to carry a weapon onboard who had his toothpaste taken away), but this one sounds overblown.
claspur ?
I'd say when people see this going-on, they need to jump on these pigs, enmass.
Under any circumstance, don't tollerate this chit.
WorldclaZZ ?
TSA agents spent four hours analyzing the contents of said diaper and finally gave up, unable to determine what the yellow and brown substances were.
WIllyBrown ?
TSA is Obama and Trumpka's union goons
Fisher1949 ?
Forcing a dying woman to remove a soiled diaper is reprehensible. TSA is not protecting anyone by humiliating and degrading a dying woman. This is behavior is criminal and these sick screeners should be indicted.
This is simply gratuitous abuse of a passenger who poses no threat whatsoever. TSA is a complete farce and accomplishes nothing other than harassing, humiliating, robbing and otherwise abusing travelers.
Once carry-on baggage was x-rayed, cockpit doors reinforced and pilots armed another Lockerbie or 9/11 attack became impossible. The current focus on passengers is now excessive and absurd. Less than half of cargo in the hold of passenger aircraft is checked and nothing has been done to prevent a terrorist from shooting out the engines of departing aircraft from the ground.
The daughter should sue TSA for this blatant violation of her mother?s basic civil and human rights.
Most of the pro-TSA comments are posted by TSA and DHS employees. A check of the IP will usually reveal that the location to be in the Washington DC or surrounding VA area. Does anyone really believe that someone would bother to post a comment defending TSA unless the poster or a family member worked for TSA? Even those indifferent to the abuse of passengers would not likely bother to defend the most reviled Federal agency in history.
These pro-TSA comments are confirmation that TSA is waging a propaganda campaign intended to convince Americans that it is somehow acceptable to have their genitals and those of their children fondled in public by minimum wage Federal clerks.
LizardLips ?
How much longer must the republic suffer these fools?
rightgal ?
My eighty year old mother?world traveller?refuses to fly since 9/11. When she had to go to specialist hospital we drove her across five states!
Moe_Lester ?
TSA wanted to sniff the diaper discreetly , so therefor it had to be removed. ?. friggin' creepy !
Jamesb ?
Who will be the FIRST GOP candidate to STAND UP and state that he or she will DESTROY the TSA on Inaguration Day ? and replace it with TIGHT ? but common sense ? EL AL style security measures? Hmmm?
This should INCLUDE making it CLEAR to the Islamic World that American airline flights will have a NO TOLERANCE policy that will UNLEASH the PASSENGERS to EXECUTE the hi-jacker ? in air ? if neccessary. Charge the cockpit, face the consequenses ? IMMEDIATELY.
Personally ? If I get my hands on the throat of a Muslim pig trying to kill me ? well ? they guy better be really strong or be able to hold his breath for 10 minutes ? 'cause I'm going to SQUEEZE and keep squeezing {and I do fly Internationally}
WSChurchill ?
these basterds need controlling, they are a disgrace.
they are the dregs of society who get a golden shield that makes them think they are FBI
WSChurchill ?
You ignorant pond dwelling filthy POS you need to clean your ears out, The daughter WAS traveling with her and DID have a spare diaper with her.
I hope you never have to go through cancer and adult diapers
I want you to listen again and apologize for your ignorance you piece of dog turd, in fact two day old dog turd has more value than filth like you
Flannigan ?
Instead molesting diapered grandmas, why not just profile, screen and fondle people with names?like Hussein?
dswilli ?
Someone needs to answer for this. Criminal charges should be filed at once. Time to make these jerks sweat a bit.
DonaldDuck ?
If we do away with the TSA screeners, the Obama administration will get them jobs enforcing his lovely health care plan. As long as Barry and his minions are in charge of this country, we are sooooo screwed.
Consrvativ_KDH ?
Why aren't passengers allowed to strip search TSA agents coming to work, to insure that they aren't terrorists bringing bombs & dirty diapers into the airport?
BBReggie ?
The TSA is the new Gestapo. Congress must reign in their power and authority.
mjazz ?
After the first shopping mall gets blown up, what then?
Scarface ?
TSA goons should be forced to wear lanyards with documentation that they have successfully passed testing for STDs and that they have passed any and all drug tests; They then should be forced to wear a laminated card that clearly identifies their IQ!
slobis ?
Gross?Gross and reprehensible.
jesusknight72 ?
This is what happens when you give people, who should not have power, power they should not have.
LizardLips ?
Then all Arabs will be afraid to go outside for fear of being shot and killed and law enforcement will be powerless to protect them, which is what should've happened almost ten years ago.
adamkon1104 ?
This is what happens when we don't allow profiling.
Have we had a rash of grannies bombers?
The TSA was a mistake from the beginning and it should be abolished.
hempstead1944 ?
Jack boot thugs masquerading as government employees?soon to be represented by a union??thank you Washington, what's next?
bashley ?
The TSA should be dissolved and the airlines should pay for and handle their own damned security needs. The TSA is just another failed government agency.
mustafamonde ?
Funny, with Obama's TSA on the job, avoiding those in turbans, burquas and prayer rugs rolled up under their arms and focusing on a 95 year old incontinent geriatric, just doesn't make me feel a bit safer. Only the most politically correct moron would have singled this particular passenger out, the searches should focus on Mussies only, reserving the most stringent reviews for burka-ed up women, middle eastern men and anyone from Pakistan.
Sgt_Relic ?
This is beyond disgusting!!!
The GOP, and the GOP candidates, need to be email bombed on this subject until it shows up on their radar!
Rebas_Thgil ?
Remember Oclosetmuslim saying something in his campaign about wanting a civilian force trained and funded as well as our military? Welcome to Ojerkwad's war on us.
BaxtersDad ?
This is all purposeful. The rank and file TSA are clueless drones. The people at the top in Obama's inner circle know exactly what they are doing. THIS IS MEANT TO GROOM US. They are are slowly heating the water and we are the frog. By the time most people wake up to this we'll be cooked.
R_Swift ?
The TSA has yet to find one case where a search at a terminal has resulted in the discovery of a terrorist with weapons. Here is a CBS report citing one program to be a $200 million failure. Overall the TSA costs American taxpayers more that $8 billion a year.
Here is an interesting article from a former anti-terrorism coordinator. "I am Insulted and Violated by this Ineffective, Costly, Anti-American and Blatantly Thoughtless Approach to Public Safety"
BaxtersDad ?
Fisher1949 is right on! Check out the IPs of the PRO-TSA posters and they are all from the DC area. UNBELIEVABLE! I am sick of these drones. STOP IT PARASITES! Its bad enough you are feeding off our money to molest and harass us but now you think we'll just believe your postings are real?! Gimme a break and STAY OFF THE BOARDS.
BaxtersDad ?
Rebas_Thgil ?
In 2012 we better elect someone with more resolve to stop this war against us than Boehner's pre-election lipservice about impeachment.
Rebas_Thgil ?
James, if you are going to squeeze the crap out of some murderous muzipig, then be sure that the plane has significant on-board cleanup equipment. Those islamofascists are really full of it??
Rebas_Thgil ?
Libtards are so against profiling that they do anti-profiling, which is to say, they assign suspicion to everyone that does not fit the perp profile. One more reason why we call them libtards.
dude911 ?
you gotta wonder what country this happened in?Egypt?nobody would say a word?Russia?SSDD?China?.go to jail for complaining?.USA?Constitutional Rights violation?
reasonable? 95 years old?identity not in question?.not traveling with muslim/middle eastern male between 16-36?speaks impecable english?traveling with her family?.no?there is nothing that could be considered reasonable about this search?.its a violation of 4 th Amendment to the Constitution?any search conducted like this?that the TSA cannot demonstrate the person to be searched could be reasonably expected to blow up the plane?.is a violation of the US CONSTITUTION?.
right of the people to be secure in their persons?-shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause?these are your rights?the government cannot violate?they cannot show that patting down any child?or senior citizen?or any woman?has prevented any attack by radical orthodox muslims?in order to justify?a search?of this nature
Rebas_Thgil ?
Keep your chin up. Us conservative Americans are too hot for the hot tub. We'll make it to November 2012. (Ok, ?..I hope we will make it to the next election?)
dude911 ?
if they pay 50k per year to be clueless?they need to answer to the constitution as well?
duh_swami ?
Yet the terminals are more dangerous than the flight?There is nothing stopping a bomber from carrying his bomb into the crowded terminal, and setting it off before or during pat down?It is stupid to search people inside the terminal?All personal and baggage searches should be done outside the terminal, not in it?
barkingbird ?
Why in the hell are Americans allowing something like this to happen ?????? Are you all just dumb or afraid of "the Obummer" ?????
TJwasright ?
So why isn't some civic-oriented conservative law firm bringing suit on behalf of the woman? Seems to me this is a direct violation of the unreasonable search clause of the Constitution.
ArchonPrime ?
'nuff said.
Jamesb ?
Ha ? ya! By the time of the forth hi-jacking of United 93 the pattern for ALL American citizen's response to ALL other Muslim hi-jackings was determined ? we go down fighting.
Americans will NEVER sit by and quietly die ? never again.
You've seen that a handful of times now ? from the "Shoe Bomber" to that dickhead African over Detroit.
I'm saying that "due process" should "accelerate" in the air. A quick interrogaton, trial, deliberation {5 seconds} then on to the execution ? YEE HAW! If they survive and make to the ground ? eh ? ok.
A_pen ?
The destruction of our nation as a secure place for it's rightful citizens, the ones who have only allegiance for it and it's constitution, has been aided by numerous congresses and presidents. Their contempt for the wisdom of the founders is nothing new but has now come to a point where the results are completely understood, despotic rule. We were warned to not grant citizenship to those who would not assimilate and would hold a foreign allegiance. No rational argument can be made to counter that logic. But here we have the results, a police state rising to control the insurgency it has given birth to, protected and claimed proper. Show me one nation that allows a Trojan horse in, pays, coddles, promotes it's concealed enemies ideologies and grants them citizenship. Diversity? What a crock. It's called treason.
lineitemveto ?
All brought to you via the new powers of the Patriot Act.
Shame on the fools that supported that crap. Now we are in a fight to retain our Bill of Rights.
Deusexmachina ?
Apparently, a sh!t-eating TSA agent was looking for a meal?
rckmom ?
I hope he DOES have to go through adult diapers, and have them removed by a TSA agent!!!
bubbatrunk ?
I can only hope she filled it for them before she removed it.
I guess they are only following "orders" so the ones doing the inspection have no control. Where have I heard that excuse before?
RedNM ?
Another example of the Koch- funded right-wing thug machine:
"Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser allegedly tried to choke another justice in her chambers after she asked him to leave. Justice Ann Walsh Bradley told the AP that he attacked her after an argument over the court?s ruling upholding the anti-union law of Governor Koch-lover, which Prosser supported like a good little drone. "
I'm holding my breath waiting for this story to be posted here.
alwaysright5 ?
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and TYRANTS"
- Thomas Jefferson
How much longer are Americans going to put up with this crap?
Capt_Knuckles ?
Ur komments is like all stoopid an off topik an stuff.
shaggatha ?
Gosh. We just feel safer and safer. Every story like this one assures us that nothing gets by the TSA.
Cajunwarthog ?
MOST adult (?) Americans are too busy watching soaps, "dancing with the stars", baseball, basketball, wrestling and hockey.They are too STUPID to answer basic questions on the Founding Fathers and the history of the USA. They dumb down their kids with political correctness and sensitivity training.They allow them to playing video games all day and most of the night. They allow the schools to teach "revisionist history"._The America our Founding Fathers envisioned is being consumed by the united front of Socialism and Islam. Strange bedfellows that will may great gains because Americans don't care. Will Americans "wake up", I don't think so?????????
shanedo2 ?
Does this site not have an editor?
Check the headline. In one word there is a 's' where a 'd 'should be.
Just a typo but it should be corrected.
OldWoman ?
Several states, Texas being the last one, have passed laws about controlling TSA "searches." One of Our Dear Leader's top henchmen has told TX that TX will become a "no fly zone" if the legislation is enforced. Check out or for the story.
Phocus ?
Well, what do you expect now that Christians, babies, and sweet older ladies and men are blowing up airplanes. Of course we have to check them. Meanwhile, 20 young Muslim men are allowed through?must avoid profiling.
We have elected the dumbest among us head up the government folks. This is what happens when the dumbest among us is in charge of Homeland Security. Plan now to vote in 2012, and let's get back to our future.
GOPPen_isEnvy ?
But was she finger raped ? She has to remove her adult diaper all the time, but finger raped, not so much.
GOPPen_isEnvy ?
I hate airline safety also. I sent my letter "bomb" ?
nice use of the word bomb, idiot.
fistbump ?
They will chalk this up as another terrorist plot foiled in thier stats.
olderandwiser1 ?
Not to worry. The Obamacare death panels will make sure there aren't any 95 year olds in the future.
batcountry ?
Unbelievable,This woman and her family had to go through the humiliation the TSA doles out. Besides at 95 and with late stage cancer the amount of discomfort it had to have caused her. It is a shame. If the family would have pitched a fit, the goons at the TSA would have made it even more unpleasant.
The TSA is comprised of the most state-uneducated, basest people in the country, and they are selected for those qualities.on purpose. That way, if you question their "authority" they suspect you of being some kind of terrorist or disrupter. They feel elevated into respectability by wearing a stupid badge and rubber gloves. They don't realize that our contempt for them is nothing personal, but a contempt for the state's oveerreaching authority. The TSA's drones take opposition to Obuma's policies to be opposition to them personally, perhaps even racism, and are therefore more likely to abuse their authority even further. It makes these social outcasts feel empowered to wield arbitrary authority, and thus they are liable to trample other's rights. They don't feel any sympathy for others in society, because they are social outcasts.
Geez?You're a disgusting pervert.
Now crawl back into the slime you were born in.
Not Over.
ktr ?
What should the rules be? Everyone here insists that TSA is wrong to search someone in a wheelchair. A guy in a wheelchair in Iraq just killed 3 people and wounded 18 when he detonated a bomb at a police station. An 8 year old girl in Afghanistan was killed herself when she was given a bomb to carry. Should there be an age where people are exempted from a search? 55? 65? Does anyone remember the 5 year old who was carrying a teddy bear with a gun in it in the Orlando airport a few years ago? I travel frequently with my 4 children that are searched all the time. We have been through every kind of search. And no I'm not a TSA agent. Members of my family are airline employees and tell me both TSA horror stories and stories of weapons found in airports.
Libtard ?
Obviously, if your elderly mother in adult diapers intends on flying, you should obviously put her in a Burka?. then the TSA will leave her alone (as it would be racist profiling to harass anyone from the religion of peace).
CG patriot ?
Some of these pat-downs are beyond ridiculous. If "everyone" would pick one day to protest "NOT to FLY day" this stuff would stop. I know many need to fly for work etc: and for other reason's but' the airline industry would lose million's and then the bigger question would be, is this all worth-it! Hit the Airline's in the pocket book,,,, !
Pre-screen everyone before hand and "YES" profile" it work's in other country's, why not here? I don't want to fly anywhere anymore? is it worth-it? We can do better then this!
wrathofnorseman ?
I'm right with you! I am glad to finally hear some wisdom from somebody on here rather than senseless babble. I don't think the Republicans are going to do anything for us Americans and Conservatives. I am being forced to come to the understanding that we have to stand up together and rise out of the shadows and fight for what we believe is right. Save the Republic.. stand up for what you believe. Turn off your distractions and open your eyes.
wrathofnorseman ?
Some people anticipate a quick and easy flight. Why don't you shut your mouth and get back to your day job instead of making remarks about other folks who are enduring the same thing. You are a smug little person. TSA IS ALWAYS WRONG. NEVER CAUGHT OR PREVENTED AN ATTACK! What the hell do you think would happen if they actually stopped a bomber. NOTHING! They would blow up everyone in the TSA line and lobby. TSA is useless and are overstepping bounds by trying to search people at trains and subways as well. Pretty soon it will be every state line. But hey at least we're safe???.right???????????
isnrblog ?
So, terrorists are above hiding a bomb shaped like a turd in an old ladies diaper? Seriously, I don't think anyone at TSA likes looking through an old ladies diaper. However, if they didn't and it blew up, they'd catch heck.
GOPPen_isEnvy ?
Poor baby just cant handle the truth that flying safely takes some measures you're not willing to approve of. Maybe you should TAKE THE BUS and enjoy the ride.
edro3111 ?
Okay. Enough is enough! Get this moron out of the White House and lets start restoring everything he and his cronies have already destroyed or otherwise fouled up. If not soon, we'll never get it done!
ktr ?
Shut my mouth? You must be a liberal if I have to shut up if I don't agree with you. How do you know they have never prevented another attack? The funny thing is that I'm not a TSA fan, but we have to reasonable in our criticism.
And it's sad that you have all responded with personal attacks for a difference in opinion.
alwaysright5 ?
You would likely "enjoy" a full cavity serch.
alwaysright5 ?
Any anti-American activist judge deserves to be chocked.
Looking4Sanity ?
This is one of those stories that has no good qualities to it whatsoever.
TSA should be hung for this kind of thing.
What is wrong with these people (her children) for subjecting this poor woman to that kind of treatment to begin with? Why would they not have a spare Depends?that is just common sense!
The government can go suck on it. I'll never get on another plane as long as I live. I'll drive or take a boat or a train?whatever keeps Big Brother out of my underwear.
Kathy ?
I have one word: S-U-E. Our elected officials refuse to correct the situation, what other resource do we have against unreasonable search and seizure?
StoptheMarxists ?
Safety ?
And you call Relic an idiot ?
Are you really scared of the grannybomber ? F*cking LIBTARD .
gefforyk ?
It is time to wake up? This whole thing is just conditioning us to the transformation that is yet to come? How does this really have anything to do with our national security? They are harassing a 95 year old woman on her way home to die, while inviting real terrorists to cross our open southern borders? Please!
If you have doubts research Agenda 21?.. and watch this video if you do not think that the progressive movement is about socialism? Howard Dean lauding the Democratic party's association and partnership with the European Socialist Party PES.
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither safety or liberty" ? Ben Franklin
jbspry ?
Let's see: 95 years old.
This woman was born in 1916. She worked through and survived the Great Depression of the 30's, helped America win WWII in the 40's, worked to create the post-war demobilization and prosperity of the 50's, lived through and contributed to the Civil Rights era in the 60's, witnessed the domestic and global geopolitical revolutions of the 70's, saw the collapse of World Communism in the 80's, lived through the rise of the Information Age of the 90's, entered the New Millenium of the 00's?
and now in 2011, at the end of her long life, she's having her dirty diapers rifled through by TSA Cossacks while travelling home to say goodbye to her loved ones before she dies.
She must be wondering what America really means?
TheSouthWasRght ?
Be sure to avoid changing said diaper for at least a week prior to departure to enhance the realism of her costume.
shipley130 ?
Gross, nasty, sickening. America, let's plan a No Fly Day. How about September 13, 2011? Pass it on.
Big_X ?
Is it possible that Grandma could be packing a WMA? Where would she hide it?
If you're a TSA jackboot, I suppose the answer is, "Depends?"
TalkingDust ?
Well, I'm sure once the TSA (I guess they're the ones who qualify as "jobs created") is firmly in place at the entrances to every mall in America, armed with metal detector wands, rubber gloves and naked scanners, that the chances of mall bombers will be significantly decreased.
I feel safer already! /s
teflonron ?
Fighting Terrorists, they are everywhere.
quivive ?
Sick! We have to exercise our control back over our government. They have lost their grip on reality. It's a major problem when you give mortals such unabridged powers. The real danger is when Simone like Obama takes control and pushes the envelope. There is a rational way to fly safe and Israel has been doing it for years.
SassyFrasse ?
In the MEAN-time,?.
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama Antoinette?s mother is living large at 1800 Pennsylvania Avenue.
And, just as 95% of that demographic ? Mrs. Robinson is sucking hardily at the American Taxpayer?s TEAT!
God Bless America!
mrspike007 ?
I Don't Fly Anymore I Bought a RV, I Seen these TSA Qusi-humanoid Rejects from Ducun Donuts who's
only contact with white people in the past were ether cops, prison guards or at the Welfare Office they
are the Scum of the Earth and by the way I know theres a VIP Program who are People who Don't
have to even be in contact with these primates, you have the who's who an who is Favored by this
Regime Thats a Big Reason you don't hear the Punks that have their million$ an have national
talk shows who YOU will never Hear Wally aka Rush or that Punk Hannity Ever Question a
single thing about the Chimp an Chief's his Sinister Non Existing past for they are in favor by
this Soviet Regime's TSA for what they WON'T say they have Non Searched Leased Planes
TSA Have Issued them an their families Waver Cards to walk past the Screeners Un searched.
ZMB792 ?
just like they did pre 9-11?. they used the terror attacks to create the domestic federal police force right under our noses?.. now they are ready to leave the air ports and head to the streets? ALL IN THE NAME OF SAFETY?.
ZMB792 ?
ex_neocon1 ?
TSA is nothing but a security theater !
started by bush and continued by puppet in chief , obama .
I feel especially sorry for the TSA workers , some can be real hot headed jerks who seem enjoy this frisking privilege , but for most part it regular folks making a living . This is not their fault, but they take the blame. No wonder the job has 50% turnover a year.
nelan72 ?
I pray that all who write these rules and actions on procedures will have to experiance the same indignities
Diptera ?
Then you start using your brains instead of politics and start profiling etc. The Israelis have 60 years experience with these people so they know what they are talking about. You will know what you are doing is working when Saudis are afraid to travel to the US.
antidoteco ?
down with the TSA !!! its already past ridiculousness !!!
Doyouwantmore ?
Cops don't protect people and implement justice anymore ? they process legalities. Politicians don't lead anymore ? they process legislation. The TSA doesn't ensure airline safety, they process airline policies. I could go on and on.
Maybe our society is a little too legalistic and religious about rules but has forgotten the heart that those rules come from. The secular world points and laughs at the Church and calls us religious and bigoted and intolerant and they themselves are guilty of the exact same thing.
"Many hearts will grow cold?"
ex_neocon1 ?
youthink there are special security lines to the original legislators and those who chose to extend it ?
amanuensis ?
I have said before that only perverts would take this job ? feeling up people of the same sex. Straight white Christians would find some other employment.
I would add to that job requirement ? sadists.
So in addition to the perverts we can add sadists ? those who enjoy making others suffer.
This sounds a lot like Hitler's SS troops. Give them the power to do what they wish and let them run with it.
If and when real men (or women) with strong Christian beliefs take back the reins of government, these perverts and psychos will be punished along with the regime that spawned such garbage.
I hope America wakes up quickly ? another 4 years of fundamentally transforming America will leave her unrecognized by our Founders, and even by our grandparents and for some, our parents.
Are there really a large number of Americans who want 4 more years of hell? And I mean from the big boss himself.
Real Americans are only being conditioned to recognize seditious, molesting, traitors (of the United States of America) who are employed by pinko muzzies.
We are, now, witnessing the "equal and opposite reaction" of conditioning our children with Tolerance, Diversity, & Pathetical Correctness.
sweetnsalty1 ?
Acted professionally my @ss , this makes me so sad and so mad these fing people make me sick!!!!!!!
JacksonPearson ?
So 95 year old American grannies high-jacked airliners and flew them into the twin towers. /S? F**king Napolitano.
lanerd ?
No actually he question is , what are YOU going to do about it ?
lanerd ?
KTR , whats really sad is the fact you blame the daughter for mistreating the mother , you also mischaracterize the circumstances of the encounter ! Then you have the gal to act upset , then you back pedal in your accusations because people see your underhanded slur , and then you whine about being jumped for disagreeing ! KTR , you're an ASS , a lowlife underhanded ASS !
lanerd ?
Its their lunch !
R_Swift ?
True, but this could be extrapolated out to the point where people are searched out in the road before they enter the airport. A car bomb is hard to detect and stop.
sherri99516 ?
When Obama was put into office by some hazy one world order puppet masters he brought with him the plauge to the American People. We are experiancing Death by Thousand Paper Cuts. Who are these facists? They trample our Bill of Rights and the US constitution. Help, help, God help us all now in the coming days. We all need to have the courage to step forward, sit down and just say NO!
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